Please wear your face masks at all times, and keep at least 6 ft apart for the duration of the group. Trainers will have hand sanitizer available for periodic cleaning. Please don’t touch other dogs; as difficult as that is :-) 

Sign up early, there will only be a max of 10 dog slots for each group class.

How do I sign up?

Group classes are only available to dogs that are in the process of completing, or have completed one of our training packages. If eligible, contact your assigned dog trainer for details and to get on the attending list.

Once you are eligible, you can text/email/call your trainer and tell them you will be joining. This will give us a sense of group size. 

Where are the group classes held?

Group classes occur in various parks throughout Brooklyn. However, the two most utilized parks are Herbert von King Park (Bedstuy) and Maria Hernandez Park (Bushwick.)

When are group classes:

Sat/Sun mornings

Summer/hot months: 10am

fall/winter/spring/cooler months: 11am

Some evening classes occur upon request

What do you need to bring?

High value treats (something novel and exciting)

The collar that you have been assigned to use by your trainer.

A 5-6ft leash.

Water bowl/water (during hot months)

Dog jackets, paw protection (winter months)

Comfortable clothes for the humans, we move around a lot and are often bending low, wear something that allows for this. 

Who can come to the group classes?

Anyone who lives with the dog or will be handling them- DUE TO COVID please communicate with your trainer before extra guests come, this way we can assure our 6ft separation distance. 

What should I expect?

You will arrive at the park, at the designated meeting spot.

 Dogs are not allowed to say hello to other dogs until the end of the class. Obedience thinking starts as soon as you enter the park.

Group class is a place full of support and understanding; each team is on different stages of the journey, and everyone struggled in the beginning. Progress not perfection.

How long are group classes?

1 hour, try to arrive 10 minutes early so everyone can get situated, and we can all start together. 

What if I have to miss group class?

Not a problem! Text/call/email your trainer, and we can get you scheduled for another time. 

What if my dog is sick?

If your dog is vomiting, having diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, or has a temperature we ask that you please contact your trainer to reschedule.